Workforce Enterprise - Modules
Workforce Enterprise is a one-stop Solution to your employee engagement needs

Employee Management
Employee Management module provides a variety of features to both management and employees to manage employee lifecycle data.
1. Easy access to personal information : Manage personal records, Perform transparent appraisals and publish compensation information online. Also provides features like Leave application and Approval workflow process, Alerts and Notifications, Social and Collaboration Tools.
2. On-Boarding, Master Data Recording, Workflow passing through HR/IT/Admin/Finance to enable new employees. The solution also enables the user to view and manage Org Structure, Departments, Designations, Levels, Shifts, Support for multi-location Holiday Calendars, People Search, Employee Record Maintenance Resignation process flow.
Time & Attendance Management
Automate and accelerate your workforce time and attendance management processes. Empower employees to manage their time-related information with greater ease on their mobile device of choice. In turn, managers can access their team members’ information and quickly approve time-off requests. With time and attendance management solutions from Workforce Enterprise companies can facilitate absence / leave planning and time record keeping of their employees. Efficiently enter and review time assignments for workforce payment requirements.Enable employees to manage time-related details and support managers to approve requests.

Leave Management
Every organization has a need to reliably track and administer leave policies inclusive of availed and balance leave to ensure that they are compensated appropriately. Workforce Enterprise system provides many benefits to an organization:
1. It provides visibility of “Employee Availability”.
2. It provides controls in terms of accrual of leave time across various types of leaves.
3. It provides employees the ability to view balances across leave types and plan their time off appropriately.
4. It is integrated with the attendance system to ensure accuracy of payroll calculations and hence enables business to manage costs.
Employee Self Service Management
Engage and empower your employees to handle day to day operations by automating tasks, thereby save time and effort. Eliminate the paper work involved and decrease the work load of your HR department by enabling the employees to handle their tasks using this system. By automating the work flow process and mundane operations, the approval process is made faster as well transparent.

Payroll Management
Payroll Management is considered to be a time consuming and arduous process. By bringing multiple streams of inputs together, the solution enables adherence to local statutory requirements. With its seemless payroll processing capabilities, our payroll software enables you to mitigate the typical Payroll Management challenges faced by the organizations like validating the accuracy and integrity of the data prior to employees’ payments disbursement. Keeping payroll software in-house ensures integrity and security of data and avoids hassles of dealing with third party vendors during each payment cycle.
Recruitment and On-boarding Management
The effective and continuous growth of your business largely depends upon your HR Recruitment and Hiring systems. Often, the available recruitment solutions do not meet the desired result due to a lack of intuition and support. Our system helps you to track all profiles you had received till date and recruiters can review those profiles for across the opportunities. System supports a standardized process for on-boarding a new employee with document and data verification of the employees’ submissions. In addition, system faciliates to obtain and attach the necessary background verification data as well. Apart from the employee data, other organizational on-boarding processes can be customized and implemented in the system.

Master Management
Create, Edit, Search and effective Management of
1. Location Management
2. Department Management
3. Designation Management
4. Shift Management
5. Leave Policy Management
6. Holiday Master Management
7. Asset Management
Claims & Reimbursement
As a HR policy, many companies allow employees to claim their expenses, to name a few leave travel allowances, medical reimbursements, local conveyance, food expenses during travel etc. Workforce Enterprise Claims & Reimbursement module effectively handles this process through payroll or in adhoc mode. It assists the employees by efficient workflows from submitting the templatized claim forms requests through processing and receiving the reimbursements.

Exit Management
Exit Management is the process used for parting employees in a professional manner. It applies to employees who have resigned as well those who have been terminated by the company. It involves elaborate procedures such as checking dues, exit interview, replacement request and much more.
1. Exit management module empowers the HR manager to initiate and execute the exit process online and hence make the off-boarding smoother.
2. Enables the HR department to disburse department-wise exit checklists and file check list responses. Also supports in generating relieving letters, experience certificates etc.
3. Separation Details: Record separation related information – date of resignation, type of separation, notice period details, parting reason etc.
4. Exit Interview: Conduct and record exit interview
Notification Management
Notification Management module implements the infrastructure for Automatic Email Notifications such as reminders to Approvers/Managers for leave applications workflows such as Approval and Rejections. Also Automatic Email Notifications can be sent for Employees’ Birthdays and Work Anniversaries.

Custom Reports
Workforce Enterprise Reports module implements various detailed reports enabling the Organization and the Management in making key decisions and analyse the trends. This module generates broadly two types of Reports namely Workforce Planning Reports and Workforce Operations Reports.
- 1. Planned v/s Actual budgets
- 3. Pay Parities Assessment – Benchmarks v/s Actuals
- 5. Pay Parities Assessment – Benchmarks v/s Actuals
- 7. Training Effectiveness – Correlate completed trainings with Skills Appraisal
- 2. Planned v/s Actual headcounts
- 4. Skill & Competencies Levels
- 6. Training Needs
- 8. Employee Qualification Levels
- 1. Organizational Structure
- 3. Attrition Report (Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly)
- 5. Grievance Report with SLA Compliance for Redressal
- 7. Monthly Payroll Generation
- 9. Salary Paid (Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly)
- 11. Performance Assessment
- 13. Trainings Recommended v/s Completed
- 15. Employee head count by department, location and shift
- 17. Attendance Report
- 2. New Hire Chart (Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly)
- 4. Male-Female Ratio
- 6. Benefits & Compensation
- 8. Employee IT Submissions
- 10. Average Salary comparison by Designation/Level
- 12. Appraisal Completion & Coverage
- 14. Exceptions Reporting
- 16. Number of working hours by employee and Day Activity
- 18. Employee Master download